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Montes Wines

AURELIO MONTES, President and Winemaker. Over 25 years experience as Head Winemaker at Undurraga and Viña San Pedro. Traveled and worked extensively worldwide. His colleagues selected him as "Chilean Winemaker of the Year" in 1995. SNA (National Agriculture Society) gave him "Personality of the year 2002" award, received from the hands of the President of Chile. Consultant for Wines to Fundación Chile (a Foundation founded by ITT and the Chilean Govt.), Casa Lapostolle, Echeverría, Santa Inés, San Carlos, Pisco Capel, and others. Ours are the wines that proudly display his name, MONTES. Widely considered by top wine trade magazines as the best or one of the best from Chile, a leader in the quality revolution of the eighties and nineties.

Produkte von Montes Wines

Total 12 Einträge

Wein- und Getränkesortiment mit über 6000 Produkten

Hochwertige Produkte - hervorragender Service

Schnelle Lieferung ab eigenem Lager

Persönliche Beratung in unseren Filialen Wohlen, Berikon und Hünenberg See