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Thelema Mountain Vineyards

Thelema is, as far as we’re concerned, one of the most beautiful places on earth with great old oak trees, spectacular mountain views and colourful, noisy peacocks. Situated at the top of the Helshoogte Pass with elevations that range between 370 to 640 meters above sea level and mainly south-facing slopes, it is also one of the highest and coolest estates in the area. The high altitude and the deep red soils are ideal for premium quality wine grape production.

Wein- und Getränkesortiment mit über 6000 Produkten

Hochwertige Produkte - hervorragender Service

Schnelle Lieferung ab eigenem Lager

Persönliche Beratung in unseren Filialen Wohlen, Berikon und Hünenberg See